Journal Papers and Book Articles
Beyond 2015 ‘Beyond Diasporic Boundaries: New Masculinities in Global Bollywood’ (jointly with Kanchana Mahadevan) in Rajinder Dudrah, Elke Mader and Bernard Fuchs (ed) SRK and Global Bollywood, Oxford University Press: New Delhi, 98-121.
2013 ‘Switzerland' (jointly with Christopher McDowell) in Peter Reeves, Rajesh Rai and Hema Kiruppalini (ed) Encyclopedia of the Srilankan Diaspora, National University Singapore: Editions Didier Millet., 137-144.
2010 ‘Introduction: A self-made man and his times’ (co authored with Sitapati Ganesh). In Thirumanilaiyur S. Subbarama Iyer, Karur: Memoirs of a Tahsildar in British India. Published by Sitapati Ganesh.
2005 'Culture, welfare and everyday life: The articulation of state and society' Introduction (by Kamala Ganesh, Rajni Palriwala and Carla Risseeuw) in Rissseeuw et al, op cit., pp. 1 – 25.
1998 'Introduction: Gendered change in marriage and family: a policy concern’. (co-authored with Carla Risseeuw) in Carla Risseeuw and Kamala Ganesh (ed) (op.cit.) pp. 11 – 43.
1994 ‘Gender between family and state’, (jointly with Carla Risseeuw), VENA Women and Autonomy Centre, Special issue on Gender, Family and State, Vol. 6, no.1, June 1994, pp. 8 – 14. Also published in Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XXVII, no. 43, Oct 23 1993, pp. 2332 – 36.
2022 ‘Betwixt and Between: ‘ Anthropology’s Engagement with the Sciences and Humanities’ in Gita Chadha and Renny Thomas (ed) Mapping Scientific Method: Disciplinary Narrations , London and New York : Routledge : 201-22
2021 ‘Andal: Afterlife of a 9th century woman poet’, Sambhashan : Interdisciplinary quarterly
journal of the University of Mumbai. Special issue on Syncretic Legacies in India: Critical
Perspectives. Vol. 2, Issues 1 & 2, pp.64-90.
2020 ‘The Rebellious Woman And The Violence Of Consensus: Contemporary Contestations of The Domestic Space’ in Sujata Patel (ed) Exploring sociabilities of contemporary India. Orient Blackswan: Hyderabad, 137-169.
2018a ‘The Call Of Home And Violence Of Belonging: Diasporic Hinduism And Tamils in Exile’ in
Elfriede Hermann and Antonie Fuhse (ed) India Beyond India: Dilemmas of Belonging.
Volume 12, Gottingen Series in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Gottingen University Press, 195-210.
2018b ‘Early Women Sociologists in India’, in Gita Chadha and M.T.Joseph (ed) Re-Imagining Sociology in India: Feminist Perspectives, Essays in Honour of Kamala Ganesh, Routledge: London and New York.
2018c ‘Crossing the Vindhyas’, Economic and Political Weekly, LIII, 2, 13.1.18, 91-93
2018d ‘Shades of Grey’ Economic and Political Weekly, LIII, 12, 24.3.18
(Both the above articles were published in the Postscript section of Economic and Political Weekly, the first initiating and the second responding to a debate on Art and Society, discussing contemporary issues in Carnatic Music.)
2017 ‘Healing Touch: Dr. V. Shanta’s Journeys In Cancer Treatment and Care‘ in Sumi Krishna
and Gita Chadha (ed) Feminists and Science: Critiques and Changing Practices in India.
vol. 2 Stree: Kolkata, 93-120.
2016a ‘No Full Circle : Revisiting My Journey In Feminist Anthropology’, Contributions to
Indian Sociology, Special Issue on Feminism and Sociology edited by Gita Chadha,
50, 3: 293 – 319.
2016b 'Kshetra kaarya, anubhav vaad evam anya muddey' ('Fieldwork, the experiential and other issues')Interview with Prof. Arvind Manilal Shah (Hindi) Bharatiya Samaj Shastra Sameeksha (Hindi Journal of the Indian Sociological Society), 3,1 Jan-June 2016, 55-71.
2014 ‘From Sanskritic classicsm to Tamil devotion: Shifting Images of Hinduism in Germany’ in Ester Gallo (ed) Migration and Religion in Europe: Comparative perspectives on South Asian Experiences, Ashgate: Burlington USA, 233-248.
2013a ‘New wine in Old Bottles? Family and Kinship Studies in the Bombay School’, Sociological
Bulletin, 62 (2), May-Aug 2013, 101-123.
2013b, ‘No Shri Ram in Lanka: Hinduism, Hindutva and Diasporic Tamils in Exile’, 21st Smt. Nabadurga Banerji Endowment Lecture, The Asiatic Society of Mumbai, March 3, 2011, published in Arvind Jamkhedkar, N.B. Patil and K. Sankaranarayanan (eds), Journal of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai, Vol. 85, 13-18.
2013c ‘What Feminism means to me’ Research Centre for Women’s Studies Newsletter, SNDT Women’s University, vol 34, no.1&2, 3-5.
2012 ‘Caste, Gender and Patriarchy: On the need for complicating our understanding’, in Kranti Jejurkar et al (ed) Gender and Caste: Interface and Issues, Women’s Development Cell, University of Mumbai
2011 ‘Diaspora, A mirror to Indian Diversity? Caste, Brahmanism and the New Diaspora’, in
N.Jayaram (ed) Diversities in the Indian Diaspora: Nature, Implications and Responses,
Oxford University Press, Delhi, 173 - 190.
2010 ‘Beyond historical origins : Negotiating Tamilness in South Africa’, Journal of Social
Sciences Special issue edited by Anand Singh, Ravindra K Jain and Shobhita Jain, Kamala-Raj
publishers, New Delhi, 25(1-2-3), 25 - 37 .
2009a ‘In search of the Great Indian Goddess: Motherhood Unbound’ in Maithreyi Krishnaraj (ed.) Motherhood in India: Glorification without Empowerment? Routledge India, New Delhi, 73 – 105.
2009b ‘Ekaa vegalyaa pravaasaateel mahatvaachyaa dishaa: Leela Dube Yaanchya lekhanaateel aashay sootra’ in Leela Dube: Maanav shaastraatee lingabhaavaachi shodhamoheem: Parasparaannaa chedanaaree kshetrey, (Marathi) (tr. Vidyut Bhagwat), Diamond Publications, Pune, pp. 1 – 22. (Translation of Ganesh 2001 .)
2008a ‘No growth without pain(s): Exploring the IAWS Archive for hindsight in K. Ganesh (ed) op.cit. 28 – 37.
2008b ‘Intra community dissent and dialogue: Bombay Parsis and the Zoroastrian Diaspora’,
Sociological Bulletin, Journal of the Indian Sociological Society, 57, 3, Sept – Dec 2008,
315 – 336.
2008c ‘Beyond Orientalism? Not quite, not yet! The Asiatic Society of Mumbai’ in K. Ganesh et al (ed) op.cit., pp. 45 – 54.
2008d ‘The Horniman Circle Garden: A multivalent people-space’ in K. Ganesh et al (ed) op. cit., pp. 153 – 161.
2008e ‘Introduction: The intangible heritage of Horniman Circle’ in K. Ganesh et al (ed) op. cit,. 9 – 22.
2005a ‘Made to measure’: Dutch elder care at the intersections of policy and culture’ in Risseeuw et al, op. cit., 115-117.
2005b ‘Fields of culture: Conversations and contestations’ Introduction in Ganesh and Thakkar(ed) op cit.,13 – 38.
2002 ‘Dialogue through work and play: Notes on a peer (less) relationship’ LOVA Journal for Feminist Anthropology, (Bulletin of the National Association for Women and Anthropology). Special issue edited by Ellen Lammers titled ‘Making waves: inspiring critical and feminist research. A tribute to Joke Schrijvers Vol. 23, no. 1 Aksant. Amsterdam. pp.53 – 58.
2001 ‘Maps for a different journey: Introduction to the themes in the work of Leela Dube' in Leela Dube, Intersecting fields: Chapters in the Anthropology of Gender, Sage, New Delhi, 13 – 32.
2000 ‘Households and families: South Asia’ Article no. 10 in Cheris Kramerae and Dale Spender (ed.) Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Global Women’s Issues and Knowledge. Vol. 2. Routledge, London, 1049 – 1051.
2000 ‘Weaving a syncretic Baaj: The music of Abdul Halim Jaffer Khan’ in Halim Jaffer Khan, Jafferkhani Baaj: Innovation in Sitar Music. Published by Halim Jaffer Khan, Mumbai.
1999 ‘De Waarde van een Bejaarde: Oud in organized en India’ (in Dutch) (‘The value of an older person: Old in the Netherlands and India’) De Helling Vol. 12 No. 3 Stichting Wetenschappelijk Bureau Greonlinks Utrecht, pp. 18-21.
1999 ‘Patrilineal Structure and Agency of Women: Issues in gendered socialization’ in T.S.Saraswathi (ed.) Culture, Socialization and Human Development: Theory, Research and Applications, Sage, New Delhi, pp. 235 – 254.
1999 ‘The welfare state at the grass roots: A report from the field’ IDPAD newsletter no. 6 Nov 1999.The Hague/New Delhi, pp.9-11.
1998 ‘Gender and Kinship Studies: Indian material and context’ in Risseeuw and Ganesh (ed.) op.cit, 113 – 136.
1997 ‘Etchings on a grain of rice’ in Edith Sizoo (ed.) Women’s Life Worlds: Women’s narratives on shaping their realities. Routledge, London, pp. 21 – 38 (also translated into French and Finnish). Published in Dutch as ‘Als water op een lotusblad ‘ Bijeen, nov 1997, vol 30, no. 10, 29 – 33. Tr. by Jan Landman.
1995 ‘Feminism at the margins of anthropology’ Economic and Political Weekly, vol. XXX no. 34, Aug 26, 1995, pp. 2146 – 2148.
1994 ‘Feminist intervention in family law: Towards expanding and degendering care arrangements’, Social Action, vol. 44, Oct – December 1994, pp. 52 – 64.
1993 ‘Breaching the walls of difference: Fieldwork and a personal journey to Srivaikuntam’ in Diane Bell, Pat Caplan and Wazir Jahan Karim (ed.) Gendered Fields : Women, Men and Ethnography. Routledge, London.
1992 ‘The Vellalas’ in Paul Hockings (ed.) Encyclopedia of World Cultures (South Asia), G.K.Hall, Boston.
1990 ‘Mother who is not a mother: In search of the great Indian goddess’ Economic and Political Weekly, XXV, 42/43, WS 58 – 64.
1989 ‘Crossing the threshold of numbers: The hierarchy of gender in the family in India’, Indian Journal of Social Science, 7, 3 & 4, 355 – 362.
1985a ‘Jajmani relations in Tirunelveli district: A case study of the Kottai Pillaimar 1839 – 1979’, Indian Economic and Social History Review, 22,2, 175 – 200. Published in J. Krishnamurthy (ed.) Women in Colonial India: Essays on work, survival and the state. Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1989, 52 – 77.
1985b ‘Seclusion of women and the structure of caste’ in Maithreyi Krishnaraj and Karuna Chanana (ed.), Gender and the household domain: Structural and cultural dimensions. Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1989, 75 – 95.
1985c ‘State of the Art in Women’s Studies’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XX, 16, pp.683 – 89.
1978 ‘Vellalas: A socio-historical perspective’, in R.Nagawamy (ed.) South Indian Studies II, SAHER, Madras, pp. 47 – 58.